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  Alistair picked the cat up, slipped him into a cat carrier, and lowered him into a chest type stasis chamber.

  “There. When I get back I’ll pull him out, let him wake up, and he’ll be the most refreshed kitty in this sector.”

  Kelly was amazed, “Are you sure it doesn’t hurt him?”

  “It hasn’t yet. I’ve kept him in stasis for up to six months and it hasn’t hurt him. Captain, let me show you something.”

  Alistair led Kelly to the bridge and punched some buttons on the command terminal. A new holographic display opened up from the floor. In the middle of the display was their current position. Alistair stepped in front of the display and pointed to what was obviously the Pleiades star cluster.

  “Here is where I lost the track of the ion trail. If I had continued, the gravity fields would have torn my ship apart, never mind the effect of the X-ray discharges from all these brown dwarves.”

  “I couldn’t go in, so I scanned as deep as I could from the peripheries. I detected these energy spikes here near this yellow dwarf star. I suspect that may be where our pirates’ lair might be. Of course, knowing where it is doesn’t mean we can get at it. I’m sure there isn’t a straight line path from here to there.”

  Kelly studied the holograph closely.

  “No, not a straight path, but I bet my ship can figure it out. It will still be like going through a maze with dead ends and wrong turns. I’m sure they didn’t leave a breadcrumb trail.”

  “That’s why I called for you, Kelly. Now, if you will authorize the transfer of this data, I’ll shoot it over to your ships data banks.”

  Kelly called over to Chief B to allow a data transfer. In seconds, it was done.

  “Alistair, can I help you with any gear you need to move over to my ship?”

  “No, thanks, captain, I travel light. Let’s go.” Alistair picked up a medium duffle and allowed Kelly to lead him back to the Vigilant.

  Captain Alden entered his missile corvette and immediately handed his comms tech a message to send out offering work to the various ships’ captains that would make up his fleet. He received responses almost immediately from all but a few of them. He sent the rendezvous point to those that responded and waited for the others to respond. He had enough ships from the initial responses to accomplish his mission, but wanted a full consist. He had time. None of them would be more than a few days away.

  While he waited, Ben Alden took in some of the sights and entertainments available here on Rigel Station. It had a reputation as a place where a lonely spacer could find a good time. He took in the bars, gambling halls, shows, restaurants, and the less genteel pleasures available. He was looking for more than just a good time. He was looking for information.

  In the morning, he made his way back to his ship and checked in on whether more responses had been received. They had and he was missing only one ship of the ones he had called for. He saw Captain McDougall’s response and thought if McDougall was coming, so was Captain Dobbs. The two were practically inseparable, at least as long as Captain Alden had known them.

  He reviewed his fleet consist and thought he could face anything the pirates threw at him. He sent messages to all the responding captains to collect anything they could on the pirate base in the star cluster. Surely there were pirates or ex-pirates with loose lips that a few well-placed drinks could loosen further.

  Chapter Ten

  Admiral Christos Pouledoris, Chief of Fleet Operations, was not in a good mood. A Galactic Senate Defense Committee staffer had threatened him this morning over the Debran situation. Better yet, he had just gotten off the communicator with the Chairman herself. The staffer had mentioned several cuts in key programs that could result from “further inaction.” Senator Santori had threatened him personally with a downgrade in rank upon retirement. He could care less what happened to his retirement, but he couldn’t allow those programs to be cut or scaled back. They were part of a long-term strategy against the K’Rang. The possibility of peace with the K’Rang on human terms rode on the capabilities those programs would provide. He ordered his staff to provide him with options and the briefer was right outside.

  He called in the briefer and his Chief of Operations, Rear Admiral James Trent. Trent opened up the briefing by setting the scene.

  “Sir, as you know after the Second Battle of New Alexandria, we disbanded the 1st Combined Fleet, and kept the 19th Battle Fleet in the Scutum sector, to keep the K’Rang thinking about a potential counterattack. The 15th Battle Fleet returned to our yards at Gagarin for a badly needed overhaul. The battle cruiser groups and assault landing groups were dispersed along the frontier, to keep the K’Rang further off balance.”

  “The K’Rang reacted by reinforcing their side of the frontier through stripping forces from their main world defenses. We significantly outmatch them in every sector.”

  “That’s the background. I’ll let Captain Danae brief you on your specific request for information on the Debran situation.”

  Captain Elisabeth Danae wore ribbons showing a great deal of combat experience, and the Space Warfare badge, signifying she had spent her time on the bridge and in the combat information centers of numerous warships.

  Captain Danae activated a small holographic projector she had placed on Admiral Pouledoris’s desk. A 3D representation of the Taurus Sector around the Rigel to Aldebaran region opened.

  “Sir, to orient you: Here are Rigel, Aldebaran, and the Pleiades star cluster. Fleet intelligence thinks that a marauder base has been set up in the Pleiades star cluster, from which they have been orchestrating very successful attacks against commercial shipping until recently. In fact, if the marauders took Mrs. Debran and her daughters, it would have been only the second attack in the last two weeks.”

  “We have two ships in the area, a Fleet Reporting Officer that has been in sector for five weeks and a Scout Force ship, the Vigilant, that arrived today. The Vigilant has been ordered to rendezvous with the Reporting Officer and then personally meet with Mr. Debran to brief him on our response to his wife and family’s disappearance.”

  Admiral Pouledoris stopped the briefer, as she was about to continue.

  “Let’s cut to the chase Liz, Debran is not going to be satisfied with just one Intel guy and a scout ship. What have we got in sector or nearby that could be brought to bear on this problem?

  Captain Danae continued, “Sir, I was just getting to that. The closest force of any size is the 3rd Assault Landing Group on the western boundary of the Gemini Sector. At max speed, they could arrive in the vicinity of Rigel Station in three days.”

  “What’s their mission and who’s in command?”

  “Rear Admiral Paulo Minacci just took over command of the 3rd ALG from Rear Admiral Mayer, and they are part of our show of force along the K’Rang frontier.”

  “Fine, send Admiral Minacci a change of mission order to move his force to the Taurus sector at best possible speed and take charge of the Debran situation. Tell Andrew Craddock to chop his Scout ship to Admiral Minacci’s command as soon as the 3rd ALG arrives in sector. Do the same with the reporting officer. Let’s see if we can get the honorable lady from Grissom off my back.”

  Shadow Lead Analyst G’Lon, of the Imperial Analytical Cabal, had just completed his briefing to Master Tactician B’Gotil. He watched the fur on B’Gotil’s neck rise as he showed him the sensor record of the Human ship appearing in K’Rang space.

  B’Gotil stood up, walked to the screen and said, “This is really a Human ship and not some mirage, some trick of space?”

  G’Lon ran the sensor record back and replaced the visual view with the spectral view.

  “The colors you see here in the spectral view denote metallic alloys found mainly in Human ships. We use a slightly different mix of elements in our ships. This is definitely a Human ship. Incidentally, the spectral return confirms it is real and not a mirage.”

  B’Gotil turned away from the display and paced a few steps.
/>   “We have our forces stretched along the entire frontier in a show of force. We are weak everywhere and strong nowhere. Our main world defenses have been stripped, and here is what is undoubtedly a Human scout poking its nose into lightly defended space between two of our main worlds.”

  “Shadow Lead Analyst G’Lon, you will accompany me to brief my superior. He will probably carry us directly into his superior and I do not doubt we will have a video audience with the Elders before this day is done. Prepare yourself.”

  G’Lon froze for a moment as he realized what B’Gotil had just told him. He swallowed, composed himself, and gathered his data for the upcoming briefings.

  Kelly spent the better part of two watches picking Alistair Bennett’s brain. He and Alistair constructed an energy map of the star cluster showing two areas of high-energy fields. Kelly picked the one with the highest energy readings for their first investigation. Their path would be controlled by the readings from their gravimetric sensors. Kelly hoped to be able to use his 3-D gravimetric sensors to pick a safe path through the gravity wells and eddies, like running through a maze.

  Kelly would have three to four days to conduct his initial reconnaissance into the star cluster, before he came under the command of the 3rd ALG. He had to make the most of that time to find out what was going on in there, while he still had freedom of action.

  Once he felt he had gotten all he could from Alistair, he sat down and prepared himself for his briefing to Mr. Debran. He had already contacted Mr. Delphant and arranged a meeting at Mr. Debran’s convenience. An hour later, he notified LTJG Cortez she had the ship until he returned. He gathered up Chief Blankenship and the two of them walked through Rigel Station, until they came to the office space occupied by Friedrich Debran.

  They were met by Mr. Delphant and ushered into a side office.

  “Captain Blake, so nice to meet you, and who is this with you?”

  “Mr. Delphant, this is my Chief of the Ship, Senior Chief Petty Officer Blankenship. She will be assisting me with my briefing to Mr. Debran.”

  Mr. Delphant turned away, paced a few paces, turned back, and said, “Mr. Debran abhors formal briefings. He would much prefer a deskside one-on-one conversation.”

  Kelly looked at Chief B and shrugged.

  “All right, Mr. Delphant, if that’s the way he wants it. So, what are we waiting for?”

  Mr. Delphant turned to a tablet on the desk, punched a few buttons, read what came up, and turned to Kelly. “Mr. Debran is in a video conference. He will be ready to see you in ten minutes. Can I get you something? Coffee? Tea?”

  “Nothing for me. Would you like something, Chief?”

  Chief B shook her head and they waited. Ten minutes later, Mr. Delphant’s tablet buzzed and he led Kelly, without Chief B, in to see Mr. Debran.

  Mr. Debran was sitting behind a large desk, but got up as Kelly was led into the room. He was a smallish man about five foot six. He used the trick of many short men of having his chair higher than those in front of his desk.

  “Captain Blake is it? So good of you to come see me.”

  Kelly shook his hand and felt a firm grip meet his.

  “Actually, sir, I’m LCDR Kelly Blake. Captain is my title on board ship.”

  “Ah, I see,” Mr. Debran responded. “I’ve actually never really understood military ranks and titles.”

  Kelly said, “Mr. Debran, first let me say how sorry I am for the trouble that has befallen your family. My mission is to do the initial reconnaissance into the star cluster. Fleet Intel has done some initial surveys of the area and we will be using that information to focus our reconnaissance. There are two areas of interest and we will be investigating both of them over the next few days.”

  “In addition, the Third Assault Landing Group, commanded by Rear Admiral Paulo Minacci, will be arriving within the week. We will then have sufficient force to conduct a cordon and search or direct assault, if required. If the marauders are in there, we’ll find them, deal with them, and rescue your family.”

  Mr. Debran paused in thought, then said, “Thank you, Captain, that is quite concise and to the point. I would like to ask you that if you can’t save my family that you, at least, reduce this pirate stronghold to dust and cinders.”

  “Sir, there are limits to what we can do. We will see to it that the pirate base is destroyed and they are eliminated as a threat in this sector.”

  Captain, pass this on to your admiral when he arrives that I want that base reduced to rubble and all the occupants eliminated. If that doesn’t happen, I will make it my job to make things miserable for the Fleet. Your own career is on the line. I could make yours the shortest command in history. Senator Coleen Santori is a close family friend and is personally interested in my family’s situation.”

  Kelly quietly said, “Mr. Debran, Fleet will do everything possible to return your family to you and remove the pirate threat wherever they hide. Before you threaten someone, however, you should know who they are.”

  “My mother’s maiden name is O’Toole. Her younger brother, my uncle, is Brian O’Toole. You may be familiar with that name. If there is nothing more, I’ll be heading back to my ship and my mission.”

  Kelly stood up, walked out of the room, and with Chief Blankenship, left Mr. Debran‘s offices for his ship.

  Debran spoke to Mr. Delphant after Kelly had departed. Mr. Delphant pushed some buttons on his pocket tablet.

  “Yes sir, LCDR Blake’s uncle is the majority leader of the Galactic Senate. I think he’s just seen your senator and raised you.”

  Friedrich Debran grimaced at the odds that a mere Fleet officer could have shut him down like that. He told Mr. Delphant to get his hooligans ready to shadow the Vigilant.

  Standard operational procedure for Scout Force ships on patrol and the physics of deep space did not normally allow for receiving or sending personal messages. Kelly made use of a captain’s prerogative to authorize receipt of emails while docked at Rigel Station. The fact that the sleek, black Vigilant was visible to several view ports along the spaceport’s promenade negated any operational security concerns. Probably none of their observers noted the blue E, the red V, and campaign star, or understood their significance.

  Kelly did not allow the crew any outgoing messages even though the operational security filters in the comms system would have scrubbed out any references to mission, destination, or location. However, he did send two carefully worded messages to his mom and his dear uncle Brian.

  The normal Senate Monday morning party leadership coffee was spirited as Brian O’Toole reflected on their recent passage of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill and its value to the Colonial party in the upcoming Fall elections. With a final push to all his leadership to get the votes out for the Defense and Commerce Enhancement Bill authorizing an increase in funding for the expedited construction and broader deployment of transporter gates, Brian closed the meeting.

  Brian asked Senator Colleen Santori to remain behind. He reminded her that her dual hatting as Party Whip and Chairman of the Galactic Defense Committee was unprecedented and only an experiment. He expressed his concern at the narrowness of the vote on the recent appropriations bill and how more important that was to the party’s future than her micromanagement of the Defense budget. He opined that if things didn’t improve on this next bill he might ask her to choose which was most important to her. She responded that she had just gone through a critical series of hearings on the upcoming Defense Budget, but there was now nothing in the way of her focusing her attention on Party Leadership matters. Brian thanked her for her efforts on behalf of the party and the Republic and held the door for her as she left his office.

  The pressure on Fleet over the Debran affair miraculously evaporated.

  The sources of all the commotion were very comfortable in their captivity. The VIP Manor House they occupied left them wanting for few creature comforts. There were copious and well-maintained gardens, a fully equipped stable, fishing str
eams, a large pool and spa, tennis courts, a well-stocked library, a nine-hole golf course, and numerous other distractions for their pleasure and relaxation.

  Christine and Sylvia spent most afternoons by the pool working on their all-over tans. Julia spent her afternoons in the library. Julia was pleased that Thorson (she didn’t know if that was his first or last name) had been chosen to captain the soon to be launched pirate cutter Eclipse, and thus was free to visit her often. It allowed him to spend a good deal of quality time with her. She was always so regenerated after his visits. She so enjoyed being a desirable woman again.

  Steven Maynard (the head pirate as Sylvia referred to him) also paid them a call. He told them they were to be ransomed and should enjoy their confinement for the short time they were expected to be there. He informed Julia that he was asking 100 million credits for the three of them. Julia thought they were asking too little considering her husband’s worth, but kept that thought to herself. Although the thought amused her to bid their price up, she never knew what true value, if any, Friedrich might assign to them.

  The capture of the Nebula Queen caused all sorts of logistical problems, as it carried over 500 passengers, male and female, and 130 crew. It took 12 shuttle flights to bring them all down to the receiving facility. They were identified against the roster, chipped, sorted by use categories, and eventually sold. Irina Bugarov and Terri remained together because of some skillful camouflage and even more skillful makeup usage. Suspecting what was coming; Irina made Terri look old and used up. She emphasized wrinkles on Terri’s face, and wrapped an elastic band around her bust to de-emphasize her breasts. Irina then dressed both of them in their worst looking clothes.

  When the Ascetics found them in Irina’s cabin, they initially thought Terri was a man. Irina convinced them otherwise. When they reached the sales arena, Irina kept her close. The two of them were pushed into a cage holding older female captives. Irina and Terri were sold as part of a block of 100 female workers for a piece goods factory. General Irina Bugarov, veteran of two wars, Senior Fighter force commander for a battle fleet, Vice President for Debran Defense Industries, would be a seamstress. She told herself if she was going to be a seamstress, she was going to be a damned good one.